How to react in a situation when your car had an accident john volton Tuesday, February 9, 2016 No Comment

Hi All, Awais here again with an in depth article regarding how you have to handle your beloved car accident. Life is not always very shiny it can be grim and you had to face may ups and down. So just imagine for a moment you purchased a brand new Mercedes and a new person learning to drive just hit your car and totally destroyed look of your car. Now you are standing by the side of the road thinking what to do , if you have read this article you don't had to worry. We will tell you the ways to get you out of this dark black hole of misery.
First of all if you are innocent and you think all the guilt is on the shoulders of the person who had hit you than that means that you prepare your mind for a lawsuit. Don't get afraid of this please. Although you had seen many times attorneys dragging people in court but don't worry you had not done any mistake.
 First of all you should take pictures from your mobile camera of the car and also if you find any witness near by just record a video and ask him to speak about the accident as it happened.

You don't have to panic because there are some chances that due to a shock of the accident you might have slight neck or backbone injuries. But do you know that sometimes you feel alright at the time of accident, but later on the pain started to grow and these injuries of backbone and neck are considered the most highly expensive and the claims sometimes went into thousands of dollars.
So keep in your mind sooner after the accident try to rush to hospital and get your checkup and ask the doctor to give you in writing about the accident affects on your body. you should make sure that you ask doctor to write that the pain you are suffering is direct result of the accident that had happened to you.

As soon as the accident happens there are bright chances that in few minutes you hear voices of sirens and police vans arrive. Now bare this in your mind, never ever made the mistake of accepting your fault under the pressure of the other party or person who had hit you. He will try to push your ass as much as he can but if you are not guilty you should never accept your fault.

Keep this in mind never start shouting at the other party even if you are not at fault. This will weaken your case. Just remember that you had to gather some evidences of you being not guilty. 

If your car is hit from back there are chances that the person who had hit you might be drunk or he was using mobile device or any child was sitting next to him. Whatever is the case try to get the evidence and tell it to the policemen and ask him to write this down. You should try your best that police officer writes it down. Try to take pictures of any alcohol present in his car and show it to the policeman to persuade him.  If the policeman has arrived try to make the video of all the conversation taking place. You need to remember that the insurance company needs proofs they don't act on verbal statements.
Don't forget to ask the policeman the service number or any traceable number of the incident report he had made. Later on you can also find from police records the past accidents that had happened to the driver who had hit you due to his negligence. This will make your case more strong because the attorney will assume based on past accidents about the carelessness of the driver.

Please remember, the most important thing. You should speak as less as possible and make the other driver speak words like i was talking on the phone, or i was looking at the other side, or i was a bit sleepy. Its better that you keep a sound recorder always in your car during such incidents because mobile devices don't have mostly very good recording quality.

I hope these peaces of advice by me will guide you and help you get out of this tense situation
by Awais Hamid

Awais Hamid is a well known attorney. He writes articles on lawsuits, attroneys, legal issues, insurance and tax related matters.

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